Cupping can be incorporated into most massages or be booked as an a-la-carte service. We always recommend cupping therapy as part of a massage for the maximum benefit!
Cupping draws nutrients and fresh bloodflow to an area by creating negative pressure on an area. This increased bloodflow is why you often see large red circles after cupping.
Cupping helps break up stubborn fascia. Fascia is like a casing around your muscles that can bind up over repeated use. Cupping will pull this casing away from your muscles and allow you to move more freely.
This is especially the case if overly tight muscles are causing your pain. Some clients report near immediate relief of some types of pain.
Cupping in athletes is popular as it has been shown to speed up recovery. Book cupping in conjunction wth massage therapy to get the maximum benefit!
Are you seeking a holistic approach to pain relief and muscle recovery? Look no further than Tucson Sports Recovery. Our experienced and qualified professional staff are experts in the ancient art of cupping, a technique that promotes healing and increases blood flow.
Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This practice dates back over 2,000 years but has received recent attention due to its use by world-class athletes for injury relief.
The cups used in cupping are typically composed of bamboo, glass, or earthenware.
It's believed that suction on the skin helps increase blood flow and promotes healing; however, how cupping may affect the body is unclear. In a study in PLoS One, researchers concluded that cupping could be effective in treating the pain and disability associated with chronic neck pain and chronic low-back pain in the short term.
Cupping is generally safe for healthy people when performed by one of our trained health professionals, although some side effects like bruising and soreness are possible. Ask your physical therapist how cupping might help you.
Cupping is a helpful alternative treatment for some. Please share your complete health history with your therapist, and they will discuss the benefits and possible side effects of cupping to make sure it is right for you.
Is cupping the right fit for your needs? Here are some signs that it might be time to consider this treatment:
If any of these situations resonate with you, don't hesitate to contact us at Tucson Sports Recovery.
Cupping has been around for at least 2000 years. It was used in ancient Chinese medicine to rid the body of toxins and ease muscle pain. Today with a better understanding of anatomy we use it to break up fascia and improve mobility.
Cupping works by placing specifically designed suction cups on the skin and applying intentional pressure. We then leave the cups on, generally for a few minutes, then remove the cups.
Cupping therapy is generally safe when performed by a trained professional. It can benefit athletes, those with chronic pain, and people seeking a non-invasive way to reduce tension and promote healing.
During a session, cups are placed on the skin, creating suction. The process is typically painless, though you may feel a pulling sensation. Depending on the treatment plan, the cups are left in place for 5-10 minutes.
The frequency of cupping therapy depends on your health goals. Many clients in Tucson find that regular sessions—once a week or every two weeks—offer the best results for pain relief and recovery. We recommend that cupping be pair with a massage to help flush out as much metabolic waste as possible.
Yes, cupping therapy is particularly beneficial for athletes. It can improve blood flow, release tight muscles, and speed up recovery from injuries caused by physical activities or extreme temperatures.
The most common side effect is circular marks left on the skin, which usually fade after a few days. Mild soreness or tenderness in the treated area is also common but typically subsides quickly.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.